The pesticide residues used in tobacco do not pose a danger to public health and the sales volume of commercial tobacco does not decrease.
There is no medicated control of TSWV disease in tobacco. Thrisps, which are vector insects, should be combated without waiting for the economic damage threshold.
You can find harmful organisms in tobacco, active substances used in the fight, application doses and waiting times.
Tekel’e tütün satmış üreticiler, Sümer Holding A.Ş. Genel Müdürlüğünden Bağkur kesinti belgelerini alabilirler. Faaliyetleri sona ermiş eskitütün şirketlerinden...
Basma Tipi: Yaşmaklı ve küçük boyutlu yaprakları olan çeşitler.
Hevenk: Aynalarda kurutulan tütün dizilerinin bir araya getirilerek dörde katlanması.
Tütün sözleşmeleri her ne kadar çift taraflı görünse de çiftçinin itiraz hakkı sınırlıdır. Sözleşme nevi fiyatlarının belirlenmesinde çiftçilerin veya ziraat odalarının hiçbir etkisi yoktur.
In our country, tobacco varieties are grown by first obtaining the seedlings and transplanting them into the field.
1-2 weeks before planting, 15-20 kg/decare as base fertilizer in field preparation 15-15-15+GOLD/SUPER should be given. Some leonardite-derived humic acid, potassium sulfate, magnesium...
The plastic covered greenhouse is an absolute protector against weather events such as precipitation, dew, wind, etc.
For the 2020 production year, contracts were signed with 8,745 producer companies in Denizli, and tobacco was planted on an area of 185 thousand decares.
In the Tobacco and Tobacco Monopoly Law of 1938, the phrase "Tobacco production is prohibited in other places except Denizli, Çal and Tavas Districts and the Southern District of Buldan District".
American Grad Type Recipes of Aegean Region (Izmir Origin) Tobaccos
Hand: tip, tip, 3.,2. and 1st main hands, partly bottom-up...
My photos of plant diseases and pests accepted into UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA (UGA)'s image database...
Welcome... I present to your information my knowledge, experience and studies on tobacco and tobacco farming, some academic studies on tobacco and subject photographs as far as I can fit into the frame...