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Weird *

We are the peasant strange farmers
We work, we run out, we run out
Nobody asks, knows your condition
You can't boil your food and drink soup
I work twelve months a year without food or water
I prepare a nursery without selling the tobacco
I string the tobacco ties in the trap
I expect the final prices from you
Mountains and stones don't taste my pity
My text appraiser, my victim is to you
I worked and I was exhausted
My mercy expert to my tobacco last price


akçaabat tütünü
Spring comes, I waist the field
I found the trouble hot without hungry water
I am poor, I do not ride strangely
This is my tobacco in my five, my grandmother cry
The dry months passed, I could not find water
I could not understand what happened to the nation
Gossip, lie, sight, I didn't do it
I did not believe in lies and tattoos
Drought is a disaster, crops dry up
Peaks stop in the tobacco we plant
Troubles happen to the peasant
As if shot from the heart by a bullet
Our faces will laugh if it goes rainy
The team that we sew grows steadily
Crop spike tree leaves develop
We work seven peasants, we will be pleased
In my hand, I pour water on tobacco
Our hearts are goodbye in rainy weather
It grows, we will gladly collect the vineyards
We load the markets by mountains


tütünde vagon usulü kurutma
akçaabat tütünü mübayası
My appraiser you read with strangeness
You studied your lessons even without sleep
Studying without money is very difficult
Thank you very much to the officer
You read very strangely
Rejoice your house and cross the mountains
You made your home laugh and started work
Make us laugh too, my dear Expert
May your life be inexhaustible
May the house be full of abundance
You please us with pity
You make us happy with the final price
Smokers are weird, they don't laugh in the world
He leaves his house and cannot eat
Even if his soup comes, he can't be comfortable
Even if he's starving, he doesn't think of it
Let's not say tobacco man
It is a state contribution, let's increase the price
Let's not despise us and look sideways
Let's reach out to the state subsidy
Civil servant Mr. Metin
Let me see you in Akçaabat accident
Do not embarrass us weird tobacconists
Our livelihood works without a broke is tobacco
We are villagers, we are farmers, listen to me
Planting tobacco nut additives
Do not betray the state
Respect the gendarmerie, the police commander
I wrote the epic of my peasant strange people
Ozan Şükrü wrote the peasant peasant cry
Let the whole nation see the peasant strange
Hungry and thirsty strangely drive your field

May - 1999

Ozan Şükrü / AKÇAABAT

* 1999 has been read by the Sukru Ozan Çamlıdere village in Akcaabat tobacco purchases.
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